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Plav-Gusinje (Plavë – Guci)

Plav- Gusinje Culture , Life , Cordiality.
Dive into the fascination of variety.

Plav-kleinPlav – the melting pot of Montenegro . A place of culture and creativity.

Plav is at 945m on the east shore of the Plavsko jezero, the blue lake, which is the origin of the town’s name and the reason for the tourism of today.

The town, which lies in a valley, which is surrounded by the the Prokletije and Visitor mountains, is about 10 km from the Triangle Woodhouse and offers stimulation, variety and diversity.

Plav has a population of 3600 and is the largest town of the region and acts as the border between Kosovo and Albania with easy access to both countries. Gusinje lies to the southwest.

From Gusinje there is a connection to Vermosh in Albania. In previous times all roads finished here ,it was „the end of the world“.

Cakor-Pass-kleinOn the northwest side Plav borders on the community of Andrijevica ,which is apart from Gusinje, the only place in Montenegro that you can reach by way of a direct road. Leaving Plav to the east you reach the Kosovas region of Peja (Pec) that you can reach over the Cakor pass. This was opened in 1925 and was for many years one of the most important connecting roads in Montenegro. On the way to Peja, over the Cakor Pass you come through the Rugova Gorge which is well worth visiting. Surrounded by sheer rock walls, crossing bridges, driving through rock formations, winding round serpentine bends you are rewarded with fantastic views. Steep peaks and cliffs, then wide views of mountains and deep valleys you are transported into another world.

Plav-Gusinje has a long history. The first traces of a settlement go back to 800BC and the era when this area was at its height was during the Osmanic rule in the 15th century. Plav was the commercial centre for a long time as caravans stopped here on their way to Constantinople.

The mentality of the local people and cultural variety is what makes Plav a much liked place both with travellers and locals . Through its diversity the town is very different to any other in Montenegro. Many different nationalities live here together peacefully and Islam is present as are the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

Visit Plav-Gusinje and discover the cultural treasures and the regional specialities here. Meet other travellers, bathe in the cool waters of the lake Plavesko jezero and enjoy unexpected cordiality that really touches your heart.

Let yourself be caught up in the magic of this region….

More Pictures from Plav-Gusinje

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